Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 8

Hello beautiful friends,Today I took a sick day... like from work, from life, from exercising... from everything. But I still wanted to post something today and I hope you'll forgive the lack of chit-chat. I thought I'd throw some helpful little tips out there to you (mainly I am posting them to remind myself!) and hopefully you will find them as interesting and helpful as I did :)

  • Researchers found that not only does milk do a better job rehydrating the body that water or sports drinks but that chocolate milk repairs muscles 40% faster than plain milk. Personally, I just stocked up on some Organic Valley Chocolate Lowfat Milk at Whole Foods... go getcha some!
  • Wisk some avocado oil together with a spoonful of Dijon and fresh lemon, then drizzle over a salad to increase your absorption of fat-soluble nutrients found in vegetables.
  • Want to add the health benefits of whole wheat (like fiber and vitamin E) to the things you bake? Swap white whole wheat flour for half the white flour in any recipe (muffin, pancake, or any baked good)
  • Go find some broccoli SPROUTS - these have 20x more cancer fighting sulforaphane than their grown-up counterparts. Use them on sandwiches or in your salads and soups.
  • Stick to Nestle Toll House when it comes to cookie dough... Pillsbury likes to scatter trans fats and other big bad oils.
  • Worst candy bar = Twix! It has MORE THAN HALF the USDA's daily consumption recommendations for saturated fats, it's equivalent to eating 11 strips of bacon. Go eat a 100 Grand instead, trust me.
  • You should get some Edy's Loaded Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream in your freezer ASAP. Edy's is made from skim milk and has about HALF the CALORIES and FAT of most other major brands! Extra tip - use a small spoon and small bowl to serve yourself, researchers show that people eat up to 40% less ice cream when using that helpful little trick.
  • Worst soda = Sunkist! You could eat 17 Chewy Chips Ahoy! cookies and get the same amount of calories and sugar! To burn that off you'd need to ride your bike 7 miles. Burn that one into your brain before you decide to grab a Sunkist.
  • Add pumpkin seeds to your salad or trail mix, they contain magnesium. By adding more magnesium to your diet you can slash the risk of diabetes by 23%.
  • Quinoa... never heard of it.... well go get some, it's one of the HEALTHIEST FOODS ON THE PLANET! It's chock full of healthy fats and protein and makes the perfect substitute for brown rice. Tip: Before you cook it rinse quinoa to remove any bitter coating. To deepen the nutty flavor toast it in a skillet for a minute or two with a little bit of oil over low heat. Then boil away.
  • Sweeteners... stay away from Equal and  NutraSweet - they have been shown to cause problems such as headaches, dizziness, sleep problems and memory loss. Sweet 'N Low - use to have a label that warned consumers  about cancer risks and has more recently showed a link to weight gain. What should you use? Splenda - it's the safest of all the artificial sweeteners on the market. Stevia - it's an all-natural, zero calorie sweetener that is 300x sweeter than sugar! Molasses - each tablespoon contains more than 10% of your daily calcium, iron manganese AND potassium... um I don't know about you but I'm getting some molasses in my belly! And Honey... well honey gives your body natural energy... and you just can't beat that.
  • What's the veggie and fruit color code?? Blues & Purples (blueberries, blackberries, purple graves, plums, eggplant, raisins) keep your memory sharp and reduce the risks of many types of cancer. Greens (kiwi, honeydew, spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, cabbage) protect your bones, your teeth and your eyesight. Whites (pears, bananas, mushrooms, cauliflower, onions, garlic) lower the bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Reds (watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, cherries, tomatoes, radishes, red apples) help prevent Alzheimer's disease and improve blood flow to your heart. Yellows & Oranges (oranges, grapefruit, peaches, cantaloupe, mangoes, pineapple, squash, carrots) boost your immune system and help prevent eye disease.
Okay so.... AWESOME info right?!?! Well, here is my first BLOG GIVEAWAY!!!!! What? Oh yes, BLOG GIVEAWAY! Comment below with your very own tip and one of you will win The "Supermarket Survival Guide: Eat This, Not That" book that has these and soooooo many more nifty little food tips.


  1. 1. Try to change 1 thing every 2-4 weeks as far as your diet goes.
    For example start with no eating after 7pm for at least 2 weeks. If
    you conquer that then move on to a 2nd goal. If not, continue for the
    rest of the month and then add another goal. Other goals to reach for:
    increasing exercise slowly each week, increasing the amount of water
    you drink, eliminating caffeine from your diet, eliminating processed
    foods, eliminating artificial sweeteners, etc...

    2. Make a list of the healthy foods that you LIKE! Try to make a menu
    using those healthy foods. If you can handle eating the same thing
    every day from that healthy menu, then do it, if you can't, then mix up
    all your healthy foods into several menus. I pretty much eat the same thing
    every single day. I change it up every couple of months, but I don't
    mind it that way. Other people cannot handle that. You have to do
    what works for you.

    3. EAT BREAKFAST! It's critical! It increases your metabolism which
    will burn more calories!

    4. EAT 5-6 times a day. For example: eat at 7am, snack at 10am,
    lunch at 12-1pm, snack at 3pm, dinner at 5-6, small snack at 7pm

    5. Portion control- don't get seconds. Don't eat when you are
    standing. Don't eat from the counter... eat from a plate (preferable a
    9 inch plate or smaller). Take time to eat... try not to eat on the go
    (as moms this is not always possible!). Don't eat your children's
    leftover food. Either throw out all the junk in the house or if it has
    to be there, hide it in containers that you can't see through.

    6. The only thing you should really buy in "fat free" or "low fat" is
    dairy products. MANY times, manufacturers will increase sodium, sugar,
    etc... to make up for the loss of taste in a making a product fat
    free. For example: it doesn't really do you any good to buy low fat
    peanut butter... read the labels! When reading the label compare
    calories, fat (especially saturated fat), protein (the more the better!
    Your body will excrete extra protein... but it will just store extra
    carbs), sodium (keep it less than 20%), sugar. Read the ingredients...
    if you don't know what the ingredient is or you can't pronounce it, it
    probably isn't good for you :). The reason that dairy products are
    good to buy fat free is because they can take the fat out of milk
    without affecting the healthy benefits you get from dairy.

    7. If you want to read some crazy crazy extreme healthy advice, get
    the book "Skinny Bitch" at the library. It's like super liberal as far
    as ideas go, and I definitely don't follow it all because those bitches
    are crazy, but I learned A LOT!

  2. Awesome information, Jill! Lots of stuff I had no clue about! I'm so proud of you and am looking forward to following your journey. I had luck using Weight Watchers online last year while in Kansas, and finally decided to join again yesterday. My wedding is less than 5 months away now and I have 20 lbs to lose before then. Eek! Praying for your health and continued strength!!!

  3. not food related...in the past when i have lost weight (most notably, to be a bridesmaid in a wedding), i made sure to include strength training; even if i was slacking, i'd make sure to do some pushups and lunges. made a HUGE difference, and i feel like it even made cardio easier (and by cardio i mean, uh, walking.)

    also, if you can cut out sugar and flour COMPLETELY, for at least a few days, it is amazing how much your taste for food changes. for me, after about 5 days, i quit wanting sugar. i say a few days, because setting impossible goals defeats the purpose...the first couple of those five days was hard enough!

    also, i like steamed greens (kale, swiss chard, spinach) with apple cider vinegar on them after being cooked. make sure you dont overcook greens, it makes them smell and taste terrible.

  4. Love reading the blog Jilly!!! All of the info provided is really helpful and the tips are all SIMPLE changes that can be made. One thing I like to do is to eat dessert out of a smaller or child-size dish, and use a smaller spoon. It helps to trick yourself ;) LOL

  5. Fabulous tips guys! I really appreciate all the feedback - these tips are helping me soooo much! I will wait until I post Day 9 to announce the Giveaway Winner... keep the tips coming!


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...