Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 14

I tried to make today better than Day 13... seriously I did. Then I went and forgot my healthy packed lunch, so what did I do?? I went to McDonalds.... blah! Seriously?? Yes, seriously. I felt like I was eating a huge vat of hydrogenated oil with some lard on the side. It was gross, it was definitely not worth it. Anyways, I'm disappointed in myself and made a vow to (1) Not forget my lunch, and (2) If I ever do forget my lunch I'm going to find something more healthy than fast food sloppiness.

Needless to say, Day 14 didn't suck, but I plan on doing better tomorrow. This evening I stood in front of my bathroom mirror naked and gave my Flabby McFlabberson self a pep talk, that always seems to help matters. Now I'm going to go snuggle up and read my book (and NOT have a late night snack - because that is soooo beyond bad for you) - have I mentioned that you should buy the book Slim to None... because you should. I'm enthralled. But before I stick my nose in my kindle I must leave you with some sort of weight-loss related advice.

Here it be...
So today I had a few friends give me some ideas of things to research/write about for myself and for you guys out there reading in Neverland. Today I decided to do "NEGATIVE CALORIE FOODS"... hmmm what's what you say? Negative calories... sounds interesting doesn't it. It was explained to me as a food that takes more calories to digest than calories it will add to your daily intake. However... the more I research the less I believe in the so-called "negative" calorie foods. Apparently there is no "scientific evidence" proving this to be true, only that the foods claimed to fall under this category are very low calorie foods and can aid in weight loss and a healthy diet. The only thing that can really fall under the negative calorie concept is WATER, that's right ... good ole H2O, but seeing as how it doesn't off any real dietary sustenance then it isn't considered a negative calorie food. But if you are still interested in the low calorie veggies and fruits I'll give you a little list (I love lists)...

"Negative Calorie" Veggies:
asparagus, beet root, broccoli,
cabbage, carrot, cauliflower,
celery, chicory, hot chili,
cucumber, garden cress, garlic,
garlic, green beans, lettuce,
onion, radish, spinach,
turnip, zucchini

"Negative Calorie" Fruits:
apple, blueberries, cantaloupe,
cranberry, grapefruit, honeydew,
lemon/lime, mango, orange,
papaya, peach, pineapple,
raspberry, strawberry, tomato,
tangerine, watermelon

And if you just don't trust my spectacular researching skills head on over to   or
and see for yourself :)

1 comment:

  1. for me, it's hard to find something to stop my craving (whether it's ice cream, salty, whatever). the only thing i've found for me, personally that always works, is pickles. if i drink some water, and then eat a couple of kosher dills, i dont want to emotionally eat anymore. i dunno, i'm weird.


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