Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day Three to get ready, now go

Hello Thursday evening! One day until the weekend - thank Heaven! Today was significantly better - I took healthy snacks to work to snack on every couple of hours and that definitely helped. Of course these kids keep me so busy I don't even have time to eat a full snack. And I most certainly did NOT forget to eat my breakfast this morning! So while I was outside today - supposedly supervising children play - aka "zoning out" ;) - I decided I was going to start walking about 20 minutes a day on my lunch break. I'm sure I'll be ridiculously winded at first and getting all sorts of cramps and pains in weird places... so if you happen upon me while I'm out walking - don't honk or acknowledge me at all - just mentally high-five me and keep on your merry little way. Then 362 days from now you can say "I saw you out walking and you looked like a penguin, but now you look like a gazelle". And I will.

Something I'm having a hard time with are my meals. I love to cook... and I love to use butter, real butter, and loads of cheese...mmmm... and noddles, and well you get the picture. I pretty much cook with everything you are not suppose to eat when trying to shed half a person in pounds. I need RECIPES!! So share you favorite healthy recipes in the comment section below and help me out, heck you'll probably help a few people out. My problem is I am a super picky eater and all the "good for you" stuff is stuff I do not like. No, really it tastes nasty. Like peppers, mushrooms, cauliflower, yogurt, spinach and most fruits... see it's a little annoying. How do I eat healthy when I truly, honestly just don't like the food? Blah - a roadblock I will have to prepare my fat little legs to leap over.


  1. maybe make a list of healthy things you DO like? (unless it's frustratingly short, heh). also, think about the WAYS to cook dad hates cooked spinach, but he likes in salad with romaine and iceberg lettuce. i know a lot of people dont like cooked vegetables, and prefer raw...or the other way around.

    also, little things like putting more beans in your chili...if you dont like the texture/ process/blend them before you put em in (that's how my mom hides them from my brother, even though he's 26 and claims to hate beans in chili).

    also, definitely explore different ways of cooking things. i used to hate olives, until i made a recipe that had contrasting flavors that brought out the fruitiness, and i got over thinking they were always salty and bitter.

    do you like apples? or at least unsweetened applesauce? if you eat an apple before a meal, you're gonna be way more full. WAY more full.

    ha, if you need some motivation, try watching "Sick, Fat and Nearly Dead" (it's on Hulu right now). blech.

    definitely try to frame things not in terms of deprivation, but in terms of what you are ADDING to your life. besides better general health, more energy to play w/your kid, better sleep, lower blood pressure, a new way to look at food, etc.

    you are doing great, and i KNOW you ate more healthily than me today! :P

  2. You could try Weight Watchers.. that way you can still eat things you like, just in moderation. You can do it without paying. Go to for the points and then find a free WW app on your phone to keep track. I think WW Diary is a good one.

  3. Charlotte - AWESOME advice - I cannot even thank you enough :) I will definitely use all of your ideas!
    Meghan - soooo good to know - thank you!

  4. You totally crack me up Gazelle! I think your 20 minute walk is an awesome idea. Try moving more on the playground or during center time or hallway time. Every little bit of movement counts. Eat less... move more!

    I wish I had recipes for you, but like you, I hate food that is "good" for you. I am not a good example for vegetable eating at all. Charlotte had a great idea to make a list of "good" foods that you do like and then plan a weekly menu including all of those foods in it.

    I'm sure there is a website or an app or something with healthy recipes... let me know if you find something good :) LOL! Still super proud of you Jilly!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Here's a website I came across with different recipes for snacks, appetizers, etc.


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...