Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 18-23... I know, I'm ashamed of myself

I know. I'm utterly ridiculous... but let's face it - I'm beat. I get about 4-5 hours of sleep (and just so you know I'm definitely an 8 hour sleep needer) and then I go deal with crazy little people all day, only to come home cook, clean and do laundry then do it all over again. I know, I know... that's not a very good excuse for neglecting my resolution... but what can I say I'm just flat out pooped and when I do get a free 5 minutes I soak it in... no blogging... no researching, just me and my beloved Pinterest. ;) haha. Oh yeah, I'm obsessed with that thing, "pinning" a thousand items I may or may not ever use (but hopefully I will). On an awesome note I've lost 7 pounds thus far - so at least I met my "monthly goal" and I totally ate MyBerry for lunch yesterday.  How are YOU doing?? I'm still walking but most of the time I just feel like passing out and laying there for 20 minutes instead of walking, walking is stupid and I hate it. I wish I could just run so at least I'd feel like I'm doing something REAL... walking just seems like nothing. Especially 20 minutes a day. I'm a wimp. I wish I could get points for yelling - I sure do that enough during the day, I'd be a size 2 in about a month. Or maybe getting slapped in the face by kids... I definitely have that going on... I could probably swing a size 6 in a month if I could lose weight that way. PEOPLE! Get ahold of your kids ... seriously, I do not get paid enough for this. Just spank'em on the way in and tell'em what for.

Okay enough of my complaints... I get it, I'm the only one that can do anything about it. So I have no real "research" for you tonight. I'm working on a Coconut Oil experiment for you so I'll have that info coming at you soon.

(1) DRINK MORE WATER (I went downhill fast on that one)
(3) WALK 30 MINUTES, rather than 20

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