Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Uno

The way I look in my pants is why I'm doing this. What I see in the side view mirror of my car when I catch a glimpse of my cascading chin or my stark white hunk of arm fat is why I'm doing this. I have let myself go. I am a whale. I say that as I drink my Cherry 7up and eat my Cool Ranch Doritos. But hey - one thing at a time, right?! I went to 1 soda a day and I'm not snacking on junk food - hey the Doritos are part of my lunch - don't judge me! No, I take that back... do judge me. I am the reason I am like this - I totally deserve to be judged, smacked in the face and then made to stand in a bikini in public. (a sight you do not was to witness) My hands are fat, my elbows are fat, my feet are fat... this morning I looked at myself in the mirror and said - "it's over blubber butt!". So here we are - I'm going to loose 75 pounds in 365 days, the end. That may not sound like very much to all you skinnies out there but to me that is a mountain. I'm going to keep this journal of my journey and if you'd like to read along I'd love to entertain you with my silly antics, recipes I make myself eat and daily opinions of my saggy belly.


  1. This is awesome will be so great to have support from friends too :) I wish you the best of luck and keep in mind the scale isn't always your best friend when trying to lose weight!! If you feel better about yourself that is all that matters, right? On a side note, I have started to body by vi 90 day challenge and have heard wonderful things about it (and it's pretty inexpensive too). Let me know if you're interested and best of luck to ya!!! I got to the same point where I said ENOUGH and wanted to feel good about myself!! You are a beautiful person to anyone that knows you and also I miss your face :)

  2. I'm with Jodi...weighing yourself daily can be helpful...or not. 75 pounds is a lot! I know you can do it; you have accomplished so many other things (Renn, for one!). The trail over by Lake Johnson is pretty nice...especially the unpaved side, as it's a little less traveled. It's a nice place to take a walk if you're not feeling like a superhike at Umstead yet.
    I've gained a bunch of weight (and I don't mean 5 pounds) so I am right there with you...congratulations on your decision to do this for yourself!


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...