Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 15-16

Hello from my couch. I just ate an Oreo. Okay... I'm not gonna play games with you - I ate more than one Oreo. I lose. But for real today was crazy. I think the parents of the children in my care decided to serve soda and sugar for breakfast... those kids were all hyped up and just smacking each other around... seriously, it was like WWE. Ridiculous. They need help, and so did I... thus the Oreos. I've GOT to find a better way to relax/reward myself. Any suggestions? I totally need some. I mean I had a rough day so I thought "hey I deserve a cookie" (or two) right?? WRONG... genius go take a hot bubble bath and read your kindle. That's what I should have been doing. So I decide to enter the wonderful world of Google and find lists on "ways to reward yourself without food" (it is already there so I'm apparently not the only emotional eater out there). Here are a few I quite like...

 (1) Take a day off - really off. Do only things you truly want to do. (this is an AHmazing concept!)
 (2) Schedule time to read a book - without interruptions. (no interruptions - what's that!?! well, I'll find out)
 (3) Subscribe to a magazine you want - you'll be reminded monthly of your reward.
 (4) Sleep in. (oooohhhh yes!)
 (5) Get a massage (heck to the yeah!)
 (6) Give yourself a pedi/mani (FREEBIES, definitely awesome)
 (7) Allow yourself to say "no" to something you normally wouldn't. (this is MAJOR for me!)
 (8) Spring for something you want and don't need.
 (9) Get a new hair style. (or just have someone else wash & style it for you)
(10) Spend an afternoon window shopping.
(11) Upgrade your workout wardrobe (meaning chuck those baggy clothes) ... well, maybe one day.
(12) Buy iTunes and add to workout playlist
(13) Throw a dinner party (or game night!) and cook healthy for all your friends (um LOVE this!)
(14) Splurge on a hot new pair of jeans (ok, I will when I lose like 30 more pounds!)
(15) Buy a sexy new bra (that fits!)

How do you reward yourself? Because you definitely should. Just so you know.... one day (within this year) I will be walking around well rested, flipping my beautiful new hair do and jammin' to my fully stocked iPod, of course lookin hot in my new jeans (with my sexy bra on) planning my night with friends while lazily window shopping ON MY DAY OFF :) Now, I like the sound of that.

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