Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day Two was not hot

Today sucked... I'm not even gonna lie. I stepped on the scales this morning and it said I gained 2 pounds. I started my P... I forgot breakfast, like totally just forgot about it. So I was starving and completely devoured my lunch in about 5 seconds - not healthy. The kids at work are going to make me have a nervous breakdown before I hit 30. So I had a Cherry Pepsi with dinner... and then I had a few peanut butter cookies to make myself feel better about my horrible no good day. And you know what I discovered... they didn't really help me feel better - they made me feel worse. I hated myself after I consumed those delectable cookies. Dumb. So I'm going to drink the rest of my water for the day (doing good on that by the way 80oz a day and all) and go to bed. Yes, it is 7:20pm and I don't care. My husband is wonderful and willing to look out for our son and I'm just going to re-evaluate myself in my dreams tonight. Tomorrow will be better.


  1. Don't let one bad moment or one bad day get you down. When you feel guilty after consuming something tell yourself, "I will not judge myself for this. I will move on. And I will not make any more mistakes today because I am worth it, and I know that tomorrow morning when I feel less bloated I will be proud of overcoming the temptation." This is the speech I give to myself about 550 times a day. Sometimes it works, and sometimes I still give in, but I don't count it as a failure. I have full faith in you Jilly. I KNOW you can do this. I know lots of people say this, but when I was able to lose a little weight, I knew anything was possible b/c I thought it was impossible. I can't wait to continue to read your blog. I am super proud of you!


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...