Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bye-Bye Bloaterson McFatty

Good evening, my friends...
So last time I wrote I had just ended my FIRST day on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge and NOW today marks the end of my 7th day on the challenge - which means I am still in the "herbal cleanse phase". I know you have all been waiting with baited breath for my results and I am more than pleased to announce that as of this morning I have lost
What the what!?! .... yes, you heard me right folks 11.5 pounds in 6 days. I am literally on cloud 9 and for me the BEST part of the whole thing is I feel absolutely amazing! You wanna know why? (1) I'm not hungry... I mean yes I technically get "hungry" but it's always right when it's time for me to eat a meal or a snack anyways so that doesn't really count as what us fatties know as HUNGRY... because I've been there done that and it ain't fun. (2) Another fun and amazing fact - I'm not craving ANYTHING... this is nothing short of a miracle for me. As my Bloaterson McFatty other self I craved things like cupcakes from GiGi's and big, juicy hamburgers from Five Guys and hot off the press Krispie Kreme Doughnuts... yet now, I am more than relieved to tell you that since I have started this Challenge I have not craved one single thing. That's what's up. (3) I have energy... like SPARKaling energy. Like I ache to get up and do something like work on that To-Do list that's been staring at me for a couple years now or wash my car in the 100 degree heat... I mean that's saying something. So what, yeah it's from the Advocare Spark drink that is now my nectar of life...the point is that I HAVE ENERGY. It roars through my veins and it's healthy and it makes me feel like I don't weigh as much as a Hippopotamus. Now say it with me in the voice of Jim Carey... "it's goooood" (ps- it doesn't work unless you say it just like he did in Bruce Almighty... try it) (4) I am able to say no to things that I would have never been able to turn down before. I don't cheat, it's not worth it and I honestly have no desire to do so. Say no to those M&M's your boss left you on the staff room table... it's just NOT worth it... PS- did you know you have to walk the entire length of a football field to burn of 1 single M&M... I bet you'll think about saying no next time too ;). (5) I am starting to feel good about myself again... that alone makes me want to cry tears of joy. I mean looking in the mirror you can't tell I've lost 11.5 pounds (yes... I am THAT fat) and I know people around me are like really, you didn't loose that much weight... but I can feel it. I can feel it when I bend over to tie my shoe and I don't have to hold my breath. I can feel it when I play on the floor with my son. I can feel it when I look in the mirror and tell myself that today I am making healthy choices and today the food didn't win, today I am stronger than my excuses. Advocare 24 Day Challenge - it's legit folks... and no I don't sell it but I love it and I will forever be thankful that it helped me take that first step to get past Bloaterson McFatty.
Thanks for reading and for being my cheerleader!


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...