Saturday, September 22, 2018

My Favorite Things

Hello beautiful people.
Day 53, Down 32 pounds. 
It's Saturday!! And although I'm dealing with back pain I'm so happy to spend a full day hanging out with my family. I'm a little draggy and just comfy in my pajamas on the couch so I thought... why not speak to "my people" :) I've been talking to a few people here and there about working on a meal plan or just giving out simple "meal-hacks" that I use to make life easier. A big question I've been asked is, "What are your favorite things?"... of course, I list them right off... but I thought more people might be interested or maybe just want to change up their day to day eats and treats.
So here's my go-to favorites that work for me...

*Unsweetened Almond Milk: Only 30 calories and has a ton of good fats = heart health! It is considered "nutrient dense"This is great to keep your protein shake creamy :) Since Renn doesn't drink milk anyways this is ALL we have in our house these days. Dairy inhibits weight-loss, so while I can't give up all the cheeses I can give up regular milk.

*Harvest Snaps: This does wonders for my chip addiction... when I'm truly craving chips I turn to these, or from time to time - SunChips (which are whole grain). My favorite flavor of the Harvest Snaps are Tomato Basil - watch that serving size though! Bag them out ahead of time so it doesn't become an over-indulgence, because trust me it can happen FAST!

*LadyBoss Lean: I do not sell this product so please don't think I'm trying to pitch it to you. But it's absolutely DELICIOUS! I love that it's made specifically for women and the taste is great. You don't have to use THIS product but I highly suggest you do some research and have some sort of powdered protein on hand - packs a great protein punch in muffins, waffles, shakes and energy balls. We use it for many things. ---- So I truly MUST add in a secret little recipe for Edible Cookie Dough I got off my LadyBoss Facebook page... 1 scoop Lean protein powder + 2 TBSP nut butter + 1 TBSP almond milk + 1 tsp dark chocolate chips, she says "Just mix all ingredients together and prepare a speech for Jesus cause you're about to be in heaven, girl!" hahaha!! I haven't tried it yet, but trust me - it's a'comin'. 

*Kodiak Cakes: I only use the ones labeled "Power Cakes", they are made of 100% whole grain and have added protein. I absolutely LOVE making waffles for something a little different - I've eaten them for breakfast, lunch and a snack!

*Walden's Sauces: "No calories, Fat, Carbs, Gluten or Sugars of any kind"( it's crazy how much of a difference this sauce made in my chicken burrito bowl... it's SOOOO good! They have salad dressings, coffee creamers and syrups, pasta sauces, bbq sauces, etc. Now I want a gift certificate for the Walden Farms store #allthethings. I'm so excited to explore this whole new world!

*Popcorn Seasoning: Weird, huh? I'm sharing this because it makes SUCH a cool difference in bland old egg whites - they have lots of flavors so you can change it up, I know several people that like to use the Jalapeno cheddar! I'm a ranch fan myself. Just add it to egg whites before cooking and boom! new experiences!

*Steel Cut Oats: This form of oat is the least processed and therefore contains the most nutrients. I was nervous to go from my usual quick oats, but everything tastes the same it's just a bit crunchier, which I'm totally fine with. Oats are overall awesome-sauce for your gut health - they have more fiber than any other grain! They lower cholesterol AND blood pressure, contain antioxidants, slow the rise in blood sugar, contain phytochemicals - which have been shown to reduce the risk of hormone-related cancers. On top of ALL of those bonuses in this little tiny grain it also had a tendency to keep you full longer (it's all that fiber!) - win/win for people trying to lose weight!

*Quinoa: This tiny thing packs another powerful punch - it contains all 9 essential amino acids, it's high in fiber/protein and it's gluten free! On I read that quinoa contains quercetin and kaempferol - two "molecules that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer and anti-depressant effects in animal studies" - excuse me... who doesn't need that in their life!! In regards to weight-loss, "The human-based study found that using quinoa instead of typical gluten-free breads and pastas significantly reduced blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels. Research in rats showed that adding quinoa to a diet high in fructose almost completely inhibited the negative effects of fructose." ... what the what!?!? That's crazy awesome... and something you DEFINITELY need to get in  your belly ASAP!

*Skinny Pop Popcorn: Remember, it's a whole grain... just popped! It's actually an amazingly healthy snack - it's got fiber, low fat and low calories AND... the best part... you get a LOT of it! You still need to watch your serving since... but this is 100% my go to when I want to truly "snack" on something. My favorite's in the brand so far are the Aged White Cheddar and Kettle Corn, of course that last one helps with any sweet cravings I may have... you know around that time of the month.

*Peanut Butter & Co: Hello... if you have not tried the White Chocolate Wonderful we cannot even be friends. Seriously, I sing it's praises quite often and it's just past time you had this on your shelf. It brightens my whole day... literally... and while that may seem lame as all get out, it's just downright true. I love the Dark Chocolate Dreams as well... still searching for The Bee's Knees, let me know if you see it!

*Bang: We should all know by now how I feel about Bang... hopefully, if you follow me at all on anything. It 0 calories / 0 sugar / 0 carb - has a fantastic flavor and energizes me. It's not an uncomfortable energy or a ZAP! ... but it just allows me to continue to being productive throughout my entire day rather than having that evening/after work lull. I usually drink it around 3 - it's my afternoon pick-me-up and I look forward to it every single day.

*Mio Energy Iced Vanilla Java: This isn't super healthy... but I tell you what, it's a heck of a lot healthier than a Starbuck's frappuccino and that what it feels like I'm drinking. #worthit

*Nutthins: No sugar, cholesterol, saturated fat or trans-fat in this here cracker. The have a fantastic snap and a heck of a taste. We use them in place of chips for the adults in this house - with tuna salad, nachos, with dips, to make pizza chips... if you can dream it, they can do it.

*Greek Yogurt Cream Cheese: I sub this for cream cheese errrytime ... Why? Because I like lots of recipes that call for cream cheese and you know... greek yogurt is better. It's like 4x the protein, half the calories and half the fat. Go for it... you'll never go back.

*Turkey Pepperoni: It's gotta be TURKEY... did you catch that. Fewer calories and fat that regular pepperoni... but it does get crazy on the sodium, so make sure you are chugging that water, girlfriend! But the reason this is on my "favorites" is because I make Pizza Chips and I couldn't love them more. I use a serving of Nutthins, a drop of pizza sauce, a slice of turkey pepperoni and then sprinkle mozzarella on top and microwave until the cheese melts. Epic.

Okay, I've shared mine... now show me yours. What are some of your favorite things that make your weight-loss/healthy eating days a little brighter? Do tell... I'm truly interested!

Over and out for today, ya'll

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