Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Hello beautiful friends,
Over the last few days I've had several people ask me for advice, for tips/tricks or just plain "how are you doing it!?!" ... it's pretty awesome for people to come to you for things like that. Honestly, it makes me feel like a rockstar. So thanks for that.
As you know by now... I did the Advocare 24 Day Challenge in July - it's expensive and I know a lot of people just can't put that type of money into something that lasts 24 days - it was around $215 with shipping and tax. I know, believe me. My suggestion to those of you that can't is to at least GET THE HERBAL CLEANSE! It's about $30 and it's a gentle 10 day cleanse... I lost 14 pounds on the cleanse alone - WORTH IT. I will warn you that the fiber drink is ridiculous and I definitely have some tricks up my sleeve to get that down... so let me know if you do get it and what to know more about that. My other suggestion - get the peaches and cream flavor - not citrus.

Another thing that has been instrumental in my weight loss journey is MYFITNESSPAL... I have it as an app on my phone - you can also just do it online, but that's a little more difficult. It's eye opening. You can keep up with your calorie intake, your exercise, your weight/measurements and your friends! If you join make sure and add me: JillianLorek and OPEN YOUR DIARY (it's in your settings) - it really does help more because you know that other people are looking at the things you eat. I average about 1050-1150 calories per day - but once you enter your info it will tell you what your max should be (frankly - you should ignore it and eat about 200-400 less than that) but it's a maximum -make sure you look at it like that. You can look at weekly and daily goals, you can look at a pie graph in order to keep your carbs/fats/proteins in check and you can encourage your friends ... great tools to utilize! Do it.

Vitamins/Suppliments. Currently I take the Advocare Max 3 pack every other day and on the "off" days I take my own mix of vitamins I purchased at CVS (buy one get one free - it's the way to go). Here is what I take:
Women's Multivitamin

B Complex
Calcium Plus (minerals)
Fish Oil 
So... I included these ridiculous pictures because it does help to read the label and know that you are getting enough of the right vitamins and minerals. Make sure that you take note of the "serving size" because at times it is more than one pill. And let me tell you a little something about FISH OIL - it's actually pretty important. It can help with hunger as well - I take 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner. Get it in.

My schedule. My schedule is soooooooooooooo important. I stick to it, without fail. It helps me to have a schedule - it also helps to be prepared in case your schedule ever gets messed up for reasons beyond your control. Stick a protein bar in your purse and keep it there, when you eat it - replace it. You should never have an excuse to overeat at a meal and skipping meals or going too long in between eating COULD be an "excuse"...  "oh I didn't eat lunch because my meeting ran over"... well if you had that protein bar you wouldn't have needed seconds at dinner. Don't let being unprepared be a reason you binge. So here is my day in a nutshell...

  • I wake at 5:45 and by 6:20 I have consumed my Spark drink (more on that in a minute)
  • 30 mins after my Spark I drink a protein shake (around 6:50-7:00)
  • 9:30ish I eat a protein bar (or some type of snack)
  • 12:30ish I eat lunch 
  • 2:30ish I drink another Spark
  • 3:30ish I eat a small snack 
  • 6:00 I eat dinner
  • 8:30-9:00 I eat a SMALL snack (like a small tablespoon of PB or 0.5-1oz of cheese)
My Spark drink is made by Advocare - it's an energy drink packed with B vitamins and minerals - it's a complete metabolism booster and gives you good, clean energy. You can get a tub of it from Advocare for about $50 which has 42 servings - my favorite is the Fruit Punch flavor. 

Stacy William's Advocare distributor:
You can order right from this link!

For my protein shake I mix
8oz of almond milk + 1/2 scoop of whey protein powder + 2 scoops of Body by Vi shake mix
Generally for lunch and dinner I have mostly chicken and vegetables, every now and then I'll eat whole grains - maybe once every 1.5-2 weeks. And remember that WHOLE GRAINS not whole wheat there IS a difference. Whole wheat is a LOT of sugar - avoid that. Look for whole grain breads and pastas. You want to avoid the "whites" as much as possible - breads, pastas, rice and potatoes. Brown rice, Quinoa and sweet potatoes are much better choices - choose wisely. You also want to watch what you drink - avoid sweet drinks and sodas - if  you must drink tea sweeten it with Splenda. Another little tid bit of info - an evening snack before bed is GOOD. Really, if you don't do this your body goes too long without food... I was nervous to do this at first - thinking why eat if I'm not hungry but that little bit of food really does help the weight come off - it sends your metabolism running. One last picture... these are the protein bars I eat (I get them at Sam's Club).

Some of you have asked about recipes - PINTEREST - for real ya'll, go there and search. Add me or if I'm already on yours go to my boards "Eating Better" or "Vegg Out" for some of the recipes I use. I'm a fan of chicken marinades, vegetable soup, zucchini chips, cauliflower pizza, and Cheese & Broccoli Quinoa - those are some of my favorites - if you want any recipes just message me.

Now - I know most of you have heard all of these things before if you've ever tried to lose weight... but trust me - IT CAN WORK. Don't allow yourself to make excuses!! If it's important to you YOU WILL FIND A WAY, if it's not you'll find an excuse. There is always a way. I will be here 100% to help you if you need anything. This is something that has become VERY important to me - my life has changed dramatically and I feel absolutely amazing. I want to share it with everyone I know because my eyes have been opened and now it seems so easy. My Journey began on July 15th and here I am just over 2 months later down
43.7 pounds
that's pretty crazy, right?! Guess what... if I can do it YOU can do it! Let's get it done.

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