Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Will Power

Sooo I'm at the end of Day 2 and I must say I'm feeling pretty blessed and impressed. I feel blessed because I had about 10 minutes of a caffeine withdrawal headache - which, if you know anything about me you know that is a serious miracle. I was expecting at least two days of a migraine. I feel blessed because I'm not even really craving food or hungry, and that is something I literally pray about on the way to work. I'm impressed with the will power - that I really didn't even know I had. The power to continuously drink water and the power to sit at home alone and not dig in to all the delicious things that I definitely have in my kitchen right now and the power to not cheat, even when no one is looking. I've decided to stick around work or just run a few errands if, and only if, I HAVE to because it keeps me from going and buying something else to eat when I know I don't need it. And just keeping myself busy gives me will power - like scrubbing down my kitchen rather than sitting on the couch watching TV when all that really makes me want to do is eat some chips. Also, WATER ... water gives you will power, did you know about that? Because you totally should. Every time I feel even a tad bit hungry I gulp it... or if I start thinking about how delicious that Butter Cake I'm making on Wednesday will taste... I gulp it. While I'm reading my kindle (which I do a bit more than I should) I just sit there with the straw in my mouth and suck it down while I read... it's like magic - I don't even realize I just downed 16oz. Just do it - it's awesome. A few of you have asked me what I'm doing... so it's not really a master plan or anything... I'm just replacing breakfast and lunch with a Slim Fast shake and eating a real dinner, I also include 2-3 snacks in there somewhere. I stopped drinking soda... completely... and we are never, ever, ever getting back together... like ever. I'm also moving more - I found this short little workout on pinterest with mountain climbers, jumping jacks, push ups and crunches so I've started on that. I most definitely do it alone and sometimes in the dark, I'm not quite ready to publicly slap my fat around. But one day at a time, right? I'll get there. I noticed tonight I didn't get winded going  up the steps to my place - which probably sounds downright ridiculous to you... but it's definitely a fist pumping moment for me. So see... no grand idea just little things I know I can do to help myself out - slow and steady wins the race. Someone pretty smart told me I only need 4 things: (1) Honesty (2) Willingness (3) Open-Mindedness and (4) Patience... which I've found is SO true, for so many things. But I repeat that to myself every morning - my own little mantra... I stare myself down and say "Jillian, be honest with yourself today - don't cheat yourself. You you are more than willing to do this - keep it up and don't give up. Have an open-mind, try new things. And be patient - it won't all fall off in one day - you will get there and it will be epic." So stick that on your post it note and read it :)

1 comment:

  1. Jillian, I am SO proud of you. You are taking the steps to create a healthy life for yourself. Maybe we can exchange diet tips :)


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...