Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 41- Tomorrow is for real

Ugh... I feel nasty, bloated... like a marshmallow in a microwave - have you ever seen that? It's ridiculous it's so huge and big and slimy- full of fat, melty, sticky stuff... and you really just don't have any idea what to do with it... I mean it's definitely too big to put on a graham cracker. Well now that you have that glorious image in your head - imagine it with my head on top... and there you have it folks, that is my Sunday. Tomorrow is THE day. Like THE one that I expect will change my life forever. So I have been eating and drinking whatever and whenever I wanted today, you know... in preparation for mega weight loss ;) it's how I roll. I just went to the store and stocked up on all the veggies, meat and beans that you could possibly want in a weeks worth of meals. As the cashier rang up can after can of pinto beans and kidney beans and garbanzo beans (etc) I felt the need to explain myself to him... like why anyone could ever want that many different types of beans in their life. Instead I just smiled and paid. I know he totally thought I was a weirdo ... that probably farts a lot.

I went home and we cleaned out the pantry and the fridge ridding our lives of all those big nasty carbs (that I love oh so much, oh too much) and the chocolate ... oh the perfectly good chocolate. However, there is one last pint of Haagen Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter with my name ALL over it... it's my one last splurge after my bubble bath soak. Trust me... it's important. Why on earth does my favorite ice cream on the planet have to be the worst ice cream for you, literally... it's the worst... read my blog a few posts back. Anyways - I just wanted you to know that I was serious and prepped and ready for next week.

Motivation... like the general population I need motivation to do things. Sometimes I just have to motivate myself to be happy... not that I'm depressed about anything... but sometimes, when you are like me and you have a MASTER'S DEGREE in something you LOVE but you are still wiping poop off kid's butts and cleaning green snotty boogers off kid's faces for A LIVING you need a little more motivation than the typical person. So I'm making myself a morning motivational CD. Yes, you heard that right. I need something that will kick my butt in gear in the morning, get me moving and especially SMILING. I need to smile more, it's good for my soul. And although when I belt out "Come on baby, make it hurt so good... sometimes love don't feel like it should" it doesn't seem "HAPPY" it totally is - I mean that song ROCKS and it makes me feel happy inside. And that's important.

Tomorrow I begin. I will weigh myself in the morning and I will let you know what the results are next week... wish me luck!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Jill! Motivation IS very important. I have a degree in something I love, and my last job was at a grocery store.


Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...