Friday, January 11, 2019

Getting back to it...

I sat myself down to do a live tonight - just to chat... without the distraction of cooking and meal prep in front of me and just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm feeling emotional today and of course that brings a bucket load of anxiety along for the ride. I told myself all the things I wanted to say - I sat there... and sat there... in front of my phone, with the live video right there and I just could not get myself to hit that "start" button. What can I say... some days I have what it takes, most days I won't. My husband walked into the room while I struggled in front of my phone and simply said, "just write it". Writing is my happy place - it's where I feel the least anxious and the most myself. So here I am...

I don't have anything huge to say... I basically just wanted to talk about my frustrations after going to Aldi. I want to love it, I really - really - really do. I keep going back and trying again. I want it to be great and everything I know it can be, but... but for me it just falls short every single time. Every time I'm disappointed and leave the store annoyed with the state of the produce and even more annoyed that I now have to go to another store to finish up my shopping. I've seen produce that's over a week out of date... the fruits and veggies don't hold up well (for me at least) - I usually have to throw things out pretty quickly... a lot of it is smooshed and dirty and honestly just makes me gag to touch it sometimes. I get that it's cheaper so they don't make it look as presentable but.... really... I'd just rather pay more and get better looking produce. We eat A LOT of it and I want it to look, smell and taste fresh. I've heard that all stores are not like this one... but the Apex store has definitely been found lacking for us and I'm pretty depressed about it. I tell Clint all the time that my dream is to one day be able to shop exclusively at The Fresh Market - everything looks so beautiful but be ready to throw some serious dough down... the fresh organic-ness will cost you. I also daydream about Publix... the produce area there is beyond compare, it's gorgeous... and that may be a strange thing to say about a produce section... but it's true life. If you've never been you should go - just to witness this utopia of fruits and vegetables. It is also super expensive... another reason I'm not shopping there on the regular. I've been doing Walmart grocery pick-up for most things and then Aldi runs for produce... but something is going to have to give. Before I left the world of couponing at Harris Teeter I noticed the quality of their produce going down hill as well. So with that being said... where do you get YOUR produce???? Inquiring minds want to know.

Also, I did a thing... sorry, I rolled my eyes at myself for that statement. But... nevertheless... that's what I did. I started this FB page to have a place to share my journey without worrying about who on my friend's list was annoyed by my incessant food/recipe/weight loss posts. I'm slowly getting use to going live - but still freak out - as noted by the beginning of this little blurb. I hope to become better at the videos and lives and just "teaching" recipes in general. Please help me... please! Let me know if there are things you want to see or need me to spell out for you. Ask questions. Give me advice. It's "my" page but it's not just for me... it's for everyone out there struggling or trying to eat better or find new recipes... it's for all of us so speak up, share away. I love interacting with you guys there in that space and I couldn't be happier you took the time to join in. There are a lot of people on the new page that I don't know personally - which is both shocking and exciting. For those people that don't know me something has been on my mind... I'm sure you see the lives and the videos and probably think - wow this chick does NOT look like her profile picture. So anxious me... wanted to explain. The profile picture is me at my heaviest - 296... yes, I'm just going to throw that out there... and me at my lowest - which was 218 I believe. Sadly, I'm not there anymore but I threw that picture up there to keep me focused. To show myself that I CAN do this, in fact... I've already done it. I just have to find my way back again.

Another thing... and the more important thing... I wanted to write about tonight was my own journey. If you've been following me at all you know that BEFORE 😠 the holidays I lost 40 pounds. Well, I'm here to be completely transparent with you so you should know that over those over-indulgent few weeks I gained 20 of those pounds back. Yes, twenty, two-zero. Again... and as I've said many times right here in the pages of this very blog... I looked around for someone to by angry at... but there was only me. I did it, or I guess you could say I OVER-did it to a shockingly ridiculous extent. Quite frankly it's embarrassing and I want to pretend that I'm still just shedding those pounds off but right now I'm sitting on the struggle bus and getting through the "tough time". The "tough time" is when you have to get your life right after going buck-wild and throwing your hands in the air like you just don't care. I get to go through the caffeine and sugar and carb withdrawals and deal with fatigue and headaches and power through the overall psycho roller coaster mental state that is currently taking up all the space in my head. It's super. It's so hard not to cheat. It's so hard to force myself to drink only water and one Bang alllllllll day long. It's hard to stay focused and motivated even though I want to cry and stuff my face with all the evil things like ice cream and noodles and bread. What's even crazier is I KNOW this will pass... it always does... and I get to a point that I don't crave those things at all. That's when I'm in the zone... and I cannot wait to get there.

I truly appreciate you reading my mumblings and watching my videos. Your comments and messages and likes/loves make my world go 'round right now and I need that more than you know. So from the bottom of this fluffy girl's heart, I adore you.


Weekly Breakfasts:Breakfast Burritos (minus the meat) / LadyBoss Shake :)

Weekly Lunches:Greek Salad + Pita w/ Hummus / Protein Box (boiled egg, ham rolls, string cheese, pretzel crips and orange slices)

Saturday: BBQ Chicken Tostadas / Grilled Zucchini & Corn Toastadas
Sunday: Vegan Spicy Thai Peanut Ramen
Monday: Saturday left-overs
Tuesday: Sunday left-overs
Wednesday: dinner plans - we will be out and making GREAT choices!
Thursday: Balsamic Pork Roast + Roasted Asparagus + Parmesan Couscous
Friday: Cauliflower crust pizzas!

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