Sunday, October 4, 2020

Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of our time apart... but that would take me 20 pages and you, I'm sure, would lose interest. I'm going to try to make some sort of organized summary of things... we shall see. 

We moved. New home. New city. New furniture. New surroundings. New neighbors. Everything is new and while I'm beyond grateful and overwhelmed with happiness at the fact that we've found our "forever home" the anxiety that is attached to all those "new" things is unbelievably immobilizing. It still doesn't feel like "home" yet - it's huge and airy and everything I've ever wanted, yet also scary in the way that I feel a little bit lost. It's beautiful but also still very unfamiliar. I will get there, we will all get there... day by day it will become our home. Our neighbors are wonderful - so kind, friendly and welcoming. My head says NOOOO while my heart says be a good neighbor, be a friend. The thought of sitting around at neighborhood barbecues and stopping to chat at the mailbox legit makes me want to vomit. It's not that I don't want to be that person - I TOTALLY do... the anxiety of all just strangles me. What will they say? What will I say? What will they think of me? What if I sound dumb? What if they want to hang out all the time? What if they judge me? What if they judge my family? What if we don't have anything to talk about? For anyone that does not suffer from anxiety those probably sound like the most ridiculous things to think... but for me it flies through my head on repeat and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Trust me, I want to be "normal"... I want to walk up and start a conversation with zero worries about what's to come. I want to make new friends, I do. I just can't help but think of the worst case scenario in every single situation. It's maddening and frustrating and I don't want to be this way. I want to host the neighborhood cookouts and make lemon pound cakes to share and have all the kids playing in our yard. I want that, more than anything... I just don't know how to step outside my head and get there. I see it in Renn, which is by far one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Yes, I'm serious. It absolutely shatters my heart to see him experiencing the same feelings and thoughts that I have. I don't want that for him. Clint always tells me I need to help him through it because I know what it's like... but that's the hard part - I don't know how to "get through it"... or I wouldn't be here, where I am. I don't know how to help him, because I'm still stuck. 

I feel so very "less than" these days. I have big thoughts, big aspirations and just want to be, in general, better than I am. At night I lay in bed and think of everything I should have done differently - how I could have been a better wife, a better mom, a better daughter, a better friend. I think about the mistakes I may have made throughout the day - was I too quick to anger, did I make enough time for everyone else, did I say too much during that conversation, did I reach out to my friend when I should have??? Does everyone do that? I don't know... probably not. In a way it's good I strive to be better, but in a lot of ways it's bad that I'm so down on myself when I fall short. I need to find balance. I need to learn to give myself some grace - but not enough grace that I create a new excuse. 

I keep telling myself next week I'll eat better. Next week I'll put my meal plan in place. Next week I'll do a cleanse. Next week I'll get out and walk. Next week I'll stop with the soda. You know, another day... any other day BUT today. Everyone has great big plans for tomorrow. The truth of the matter - which we all already know is I'm making excuses. Every excuse in the book to be exact. It's annoying and I'm over myself... but for some reason I just can get over the hump and do anything about it. Helping others always seems to motivate me... and I know several people have asked about the Facebook page Through Thick and Thin... where I post meal preps, recipes and food videos. I'm going to MAKE myself start there and just chip away at my anxiety and nervousness over doing that again. I did enjoy it - it's just the getting back to it that's terrifying. I feel guilty when I let things go or I don't follow through. The funny thing is that I do that because of my anxiety but then my anxiety gets WORSE when I try to pick it back up. Ugh... around and 'round we go. 

Alrighty... now that you've heard all my blah blah blah and whine whine whine... here's the thing. I'm GOING to change. I'm going to push myself. I'm going to work hard and put the effort in. I'm going to move this mountain. I sit here in my big, beautiful home surrounded by my supportive family with the ability to meal plan and I know there are zero excuses. Maybe I can't change the fact that my anxiety slows me down or self doubt makes me stop and take a deep breath or my old habits make it hard... but I can change the way I react to those things. I can find ways to encourage myself to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I can take one day, one obstacle at a time. As cliche as it may sound... it doesn't matter how fast I go or how hard I go or how many times I fall... at the end of it all the only thing that matters is that I keep pushing forward. So I'll see you soon... I promise :). 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Desperately Seeking...

As many of you know I've struggled with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) for several years now. A few months ago I felt it had escalated to the point that I needed a little extra help - I was prescribed Zoloft by a "newish" primary doctor that hadn't taken much time with me. About 2.5 weeks in I started experiencing all the things they warn you about... including the worst. I’ve never been down there... down that tunnel of depression so deep and dark that you can’t see the light anymore. I’ve never felt so hopeless and helpless and full of heartache in all my life. Until now. Now I can say I’ve been there, I’ve felt that... and it’s no where I want to be ever again. I felt trapped inside myself... I was screaming on the inside, beating the walls of my cage - someone help me, someone see me.... but nothing was coming out, nothing even reached the surface. It’s despair. It’s shame. It’s debilitating. It’s overwhelmingly sad. I was so lost. Lost to the point that I felt like the world would probably be better off without me in it... yes, you read that correctly... I thought that. Looking back to that moment I feel so devastated to realize those thoughts were my own. I feel so very blessed that rational thought stepped in, even for a moment. and it shocked my system enough to realize that wasn’t me... that’s not how I was suppose to feel. Even after that it took me DAYS to speak out... to ask for help... to tell someone. I still remember the look on my husband's face when I casually mentioned it... I didn't really know how else to bring it up so I just said it... out loud and it took everything in me to speak it into existence. Everything inside of me was rattling - I felt like I was actually vibrating with worry and fear and to be honest just straight crazy... yet, on the outside I was a zombie - a deer in headlights - I was a shell. Sometimes, on my worst days... even now I feel that way. The noise in my head is so loud and everything is moving too fast, but I know my body seems slow, unfocused and out of sync. It is really quite hard for me to put into more extensive words what that feel like - I try to explain to my husband, to my mother... but no one can completely understand unless they've been there. I am so very grateful the ones I love the most have NOT had to experience these things... so while it feels like such a lonely existence sometimes it's still a blessing for others not to know. Even now as I write this blog it seems like it happened to a different person... like I'm the author of a book in which my character went through something absolutely shattering... it doesn't seem like it was me. I still remember what it felt like enough to describe it but I feel like I've also separated myself from that time in some way.

However.... HOWEVER... I am doing MUCH better. I was able to find a new primary care physician (thanks to my aunt) she and my husband moved mountains to get me there THAT day. My new doctor referred me to a psychologist/psychiatrist team that have sense become our family's saving grace. They got me in quickly as I was in "crisis mode" and immediately began medicine and therapy. My psychiatrist paid attention... she found the right medicine for me... and that, along with therapy has made truly significant difference in my life. Zero desperate thoughts have entered this head of mine in quite some time and I will be forever grateful for those who surrounded me and lifted me up when I couldn't do it for myself.

I know for awhile there I was a bit vague about what I was going through and that was intentional. I wasn't quite ready for the world to know how deep it went and how completely it rocked me. Now that I'm working hard on myself and have an even bigger support system I wanted to let everyone know that I am doing well... really well. 

Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...