Saturday, April 9, 2016

Un-Halting Healthy

I'm lame. I know - I can't keep up with this thing to save my life. I LOVE being here in this place - thinking that maybe my random train of thoughts may entertain or inspire someone somewhere in some way. I had a couple of friends mention that I should continue on... regardless of if I have anything "real" to say... which is a fear of mine... that I may actually just have nothing to say.

So I started a FB Group - same name - in order to help myself and others stay motivated and encouraged. I've realized over the last couple of years that I just absolutely cannot stay motivated when it's only me I'm looking at. I need to be involved in something bigger than myself in order to keep the focus. So my hope is that this group will continue on... with 12 members or 120... I'm not picky I just want it to stay active. I plan on doing some friendly little contests, recipe swaps, giveaways and healthy nights out along with doling out loads of encouragement and motivation. So if you aren't already in the group and feel led to become a part of our "something bigger" come on - we'd love wrap you in our chubby little arms and bring you along with us. (PS- just me, I'm the only one with chubby arms in the group... but fat hearts, that's what matters). <please know me enough to know that's a reference to Pitch Perfect, I'm not THAT weird>

On to our topic for the day...
It's quite simple really

Rule #1: Prep yo'self, for real.
Even if you don't MAKE all the food ahead of time - get you and your family ready for the week, before the week starts. Meal plan. I know it sounds daunting and if you've never done it before it may seem crazy, but IT WILL HELP YOU. It will. This is paramount to eating successfully throughout the week. Pinterest is crazy awesome <yes, that is a link to MY Pinterest> you should go there and find every answer you've ever wanted to anything in life. I would say about 95% of the food I make comes from that site. Guess what... you can even find... meal planning templates... on there :o what??!! First you need to choose a day to prep - and before that day you need to plan and buy - so if you want to prep on Saturday make sure you plan your meals and hit the grocery store BEFORE Saturday... it's too exhausting to do it in one day. It's quite simple really, just sit down with your morning SPARK, your computer/phone tuned to Pinterest, a pen and two pieces of paper. On one paper determine what meals you will need for the week - do you need to-go breakfasts for everyone or only a few members of your family? Do you need packed lunches? Will you be home later some nights compared to others (that meals crockpot meals or previously prepared dinners are in order)? Do you already have dinner plans out some nights that week? You need to figure all of those little details out FIRST because that makes it easier to see what you actually need to plan for and prepare for the up and coming week. I usually start at the beginning - breakfast - make sure you have enough protein packed in there to get you or your loved ones through till snack time - your goal: get in a protein, fruit AND veggie! I've found that it is essential to my morning to have breakfast prepped head of time - if not fully prepared and just ready to re-heat at least have the veggies and/or fruit cut up and ready to eat or to be thrown into the recipe. So hunt down some breakfast recipes that you'd like to have throughout the week - I usually do one to two - and write the name down on your menu sheet and write any ingredients you need to purchase on the other piece of paper - your grocery list. **And don't forget to save that pin or print the recipe**. Then just do the same thing for lunches and dinners - make sure to add any seasonings, ziplock bags, aluminum foil, containers etc. that you'll need for prep to your grocery list. I use containers like this that make packing adult lunches super easy! Please don't forget to add in snacks to your meal planning - you should eat 2-3 snacks a day. If you choose fresh veggies or fruit as a snack make sure you go ahead an portion them out into bags or containers - I absolutely love using my 21 Day Fix containers to help with portioning out snacks- makes it fast and brainless. There are all kinds of healthy snack recipes you can prep ahead of time as well - I'm literally begging you to utilize Pinterest - it's a bazillion dollar gift just right there waiting for you.
As you probably already know - healthy food is MUCH more expensive than junk. So I try to save money by looking at the weekly sales ad before I plan my meals out. If pork is on sale (as it is this week at Harris Teeter) I'll find some healthy pork recipes, if broccoli is on sale I'll most likely use broccoli and light ranch dip as a snack... you get the point. It's also good to buy good deals in bulk to store... if there's an awesome deal on meat - you might not need it all for the week but you sure can freeze it for another week when it's not on sale. Save where you can!!
One last "tip" as far as food prep goes... shredded chicken. Oh! The things you can do with shredded chicken. Did you know that you can cook it in your crockpot and shred with ease to use in your meals throughout the week - chicken tacos, quesadillas, chicken fried rice, pasta dishes OR you can freeze it for later. I do about a pound of raw chicken breast in the crockpot - then mix any seasoning I want in 2 cups of chicken or vegetable broth. Cook for 4 hours on HIGH or 8 hours on LOW - then shred with a fork - it basically just falls apart. Ta-Da ... easy peasy chicken.
Okay so now that I've made this ridiculously long post about what to do with your paper and pen and you officially know how to meal plan, what's your excuse?

RULE #2: No excuses.
I know I've said it before and I'll say it a million times - sometimes it's all in your head. You have to fight yourself in order to get going. So while you're planning those awesome healthy meals for your family throw in some movement. Maybe a family walk to the park or a 20 minute exercise video or a rowdy game of dodge ball in the backyard... whatever it takes. Schedule it in and set reminders on your phone if needed. Make a commitment and don't back down - start where you are and go from there - progress, not perfection.
"Don't be ashamed of trying, 
every journey has to start somewhere."

Start today. You'll thank yourself for it later. 

I officially challenge you to a week of meal planning - start TODAY - I know it's late in the game but you can pull it together and prep Sunday afternoon. What's that saying... don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today? Stop with the excuses - get on it. 

DISCLAIMER: No one paid me put in the links, I know that's how it work on some blogs, but I just didn't want you thinking I recommended products for any other reason than because I use them and love them.

Moving Mountains

 I obviously haven't been journaling/blogging lately... and I feel the need to dump it all. All the highs and lows and in betweens of ou...